Thursday, May 26, 2011

Ryan Reynolds: I Don't Think I Want to Get Married Again !

   Although he worked his entire career to stay out of those magazines with the splashy headlines and rumor mill rumblings, Ryan Reynolds found himself on the cover of every one of them when he split from wife of two years, Scarlett Johansson , in December 2010. Now, he's opening up to about the physics of failed relationships.

"Relationships ending move you from who you were to who you are at a much more accelerated rate than almost anything else on earth," he explained.

    Since his split with arguably the sexiest woman in Hollywood, while she has been able to move on and has publicly done so with Sean Penn, Reynolds has no plans to get serious with anyone until he finds his way back to normal.
"Anyone who gets divorced goes through a lot of pain ,But you come out of it. I'm not out of it yet. At all."  he told Details.

    And the media's prying eye didn't help Reynolds to get over his marquee size love any faster. Although he understands that the salacious and salivating media comes with the territory, it doesn't mean he has to like it.

"I'll say this: The media wasn't invited to my marriage, and they're definitely not invited into the divorce."

    But invited or not, they assumed a front row seat ,however legitimate their information was.

"What was happening privately was the exact opposite of what was being reported, There was no story and no scandal, so the narrative was just created for me. That was the most disturbing part. I wasn't angry. I absolutely predicted every beat of it ... There was a time, though, when looking at the Internet was a miracle cure for feeling good about myself.
"I have not interest in dating right now, It just seems so kind of alien to me at this point ... I don't think I want to get married again." he said.

    But, still, like many of his jovial on-screen characters, Reynolds is able to see the silver lining in his darkness.

"Any kind of crisis can be good. It wakes you up. I gotta say, I'm a different person that I was six months ago."

Check out more story from Ryan's DETAILS cover shoot 

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