Thursday, June 30, 2011

Beyonce Perform Di X-Factor Paris

   Selasa 28/6 kemarin Beyonce perform dalam X-Factor Paris ,Prancis membawakan Hits nya "Who Run The World" (Girls) dan "Best Thing I Never Had".

   Malam sebelumnya , Bey tampil dalam sebuah acara dan berkata :
" I always said I would have a baby at 30. But I also said I was gonna retire at 30 … I can’t wait [to turn 30] because 29 is very strange , I feel like 30 is the ideal age because you’re mature enough to know who you are and to have your boundaries and your standards and not be afraid of [being] too polite, But you’re young enough to be a young woman, and I’m so looking forward to it." Ungkapnya.

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